A handgun that folds up to look like a smartphone will be released later this year

...[ ]....With a gun in your house you can accidentally blow your brains out while cleaning it; your kids can get at it and kill themselves; you can suffer some small setback and deliberately kill yourself easily before you get a chance to calmly think about it. All these things happen alarmingly often.
Now you're simply reaching for things. How stupid do you have to be to kill yourself cleaning your gun? Probably as stupid as you need to be to post this drivel.

Where I come from, the people who want to carry or keep a gun in the house, are trying to protect themselves from the imbeciles with illegal hand guns who leave them lying around the house, where their children can get to them, toss them in their backpacks, and take them to school to show their friends. And every news story I've seen corroborates my stance, not yours.

Sitting behind a keyboard and crowing about everyone else being a coward, and you don't feel comfortable in a world where law abiding citizens are allowed to keep and bear arms, is a unique form of stupidity, naivete, and cowardice all its own
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With a gun in your house you can accidentally blow your brains out while cleaning it; your kids can get at it and kill themselves; you can suffer some small setback and deliberately kill yourself easily before you get a chance to calmly think about it. All these things happen alarmingly often.
The same thing can be accomplished with a rope, or knife. Bringing that argument to the table against guns is shortsighted.
All that verbiage and not the classic "If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns" or "He that keeps not his arms in times of peace will have none in times of war"
"The supposed purpose of outlawing guns (for everyone but certain privileged members of the government) is to take them out of the hands of those that would use them to murder, steal, rape, or perform other forms of coercion with them.
However, the problem is that people who would use guns to murder, steal, rape, or perform other forms of coercion tend not obey any government law (including the outlawing of guns), and end up keeping the guns they have, and purchasing guns whenever choose to (regardless of the outlawing of guns).
The net result is that only the people who would use guns to defend themselves and those they care about have their guns taken away, leaving them defenseless.
Thus, instead of outlawing guns making "good" people safer, outlawing guns makes "good" people unsafe and tends to increase the amount of murder, steal, rape, and other forms of coercion ... since these "good" people no longer have a way to defend themselves. And there is no longer a threat, of getting shot, to these people who would murder, steal, rape, or perform other forms of coercion."
I think this firearm is totally retarded, but I see zero reason why I should not be able to purchase and possess all the firearms I want.
Over a decades experience handling military weapons/firearms, I like to shoot, not people, targets. A good explosion is always fun as well.
Like so many things, the few ruin it for the many. But for arguments sake how about those countries like Switzerland where every adult male up to the age of 34 has military training and an assault rifle in their house? Or Israel where both sexes get in on the fun, walking around off duty with M-16's during training in civilian clothes with several 30 round, full mags? Don't hear of Columbine's there.
People have said what are you so afraid of that you need a gun? Personally the people who really have the FEAR, are people that have never been around firearms. When I was a youth, almost every home had a shotgun or a .22 or something to that effect. It's only thanks to population increase and the Government, that they are almost entirely gone, replaced by a militarized police force. If I had a chainsaw and axe in my garage (actually I don't have any of these) to get some firewood for the fireplace (that I also don't have), does that mean the neighbour's need to worry about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or the opening to Scarface movie happening here? I don't think so, but it seems we are being frightened into thinking that it is exactly so. Firearms are simply a tool, liable to misuse like knives or just about anything else. They are not frightening, nor am I frightened (except perhaps by government, the largest cause of mass murder in the last 100 years). If there is a problem with firearms in your society find out the reason why, blaming the firearm is the easy and useless way out. Change yourselves, change your society, then things will be better.
All that verbiage and not the classic "If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns" or "He that keeps not his arms in times of peace will have none in times of war"
"The supposed purpose of outlawing guns (for everyone but certain privileged members of the government) is to take them out of the hands of those that would use them to murder, steal, rape, or perform other forms of coercion with them.
However, the problem is that people who would use guns to murder, steal, rape, or perform other forms of coercion tend not obey any government law (including the outlawing of guns), and end up keeping the guns they have, and purchasing guns whenever choose to (regardless of the outlawing of guns).
The net result is that only the people who would use guns to defend themselves and those they care about have their guns taken away, leaving them defenseless.
Thus, instead of outlawing guns making "good" people safer, outlawing guns makes "good" people unsafe and tends to increase the amount of murder, steal, rape, and other forms of coercion ... since these "good" people no longer have a way to defend themselves. And there is no longer a threat, of getting shot, to these people who would murder, steal, rape, or perform other forms of coercion."
I think this firearm is totally retarded, but I see zero reason why I should not be able to purchase and possess all the firearms I want.
Over a decades experience handling military weapons/firearms, I like to shoot, not people, targets. A good explosion is always fun as well.
Like so many things, the few ruin it for the many. But for arguments sake how about those countries like Switzerland where every adult male up to the age of 34 has military training and an assault rifle in their house? Or Israel where both sexes get in on the fun, walking around off duty with M-16's during training in civilian clothes with several 30 round, full mags? Don't hear of Columbine's there.
People have said what are you so afraid of that you need a gun? Personally the people who really have the FEAR, are people that have never been around firearms. When I was a youth, almost every home had a shotgun or a .22 or something to that effect. It's only thanks to population increase and the Government, that they are almost entirely gone, replaced by a militarized police force. If I had a chainsaw and axe in my garage (actually I don't have any of these) to get some firewood for the fireplace (that I also don't have), does that mean the neighbour's need to worry about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or the opening to Scarface movie happening here? I don't think so, but it seems we are being frightened into thinking that it is exactly so. Firearms are simply a tool, liable to misuse like knives or just about anything else. They are not frightening, nor am I frightened (except perhaps by government, the largest cause of mass murder in the last 100 years). If there is a problem with firearms in your society find out the reason why, blaming the firearm is the easy and useless way out. Change yourselves, change your society, then things will be better.
At last, someone with some f***ing sense....(y)
As Squid says, we all hear about the stabbing sprees all the time don't we? The difference is that it's harder to kill multiple people than with a gun. Sure, allow handguns for protection, but why do people in their homes require shotguns and assault rifles and 1000+ rounds of ammunition. I agree with what others say, a clean sweep of guns in America is a very unrealistic suggestion for a solution but tighter controls on types and amounts of weaponry can't be a bad thing can it?

As I said before, the main purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect the People from a rogue Government. You cannot do that with "dumbed down" firearms of lesser capacity and range than those an army could or would have. A Government of, by, and for the People cannot allow itself to be forced into a lesser position than the ultimate arbiter of freedom and rights by those who are temporarily in power whether by election or (God forbid) assumption. As Captain Cranky has pointed out, one of the first things power hungry governments do is to try to remove any power from the governed. Firearms are usually the first things to go. And, as I myself pointed out, firearms are used many more times (like 16 times more often!) for protection than for nefarious purposes here in the USA. I am willing to put up with the possibility that some thugs might obtain firearms to insure that I myself can have one which could solve the situation should I be put in that unfortunate position of having to defend myself, my family, or other innocents from some kind of assault. Those of you who see it otherwise seem to be ignoring the lessons of history, in that it is NOT wise to be placed in an inferior position to a government or criminals as you are then not free. You are merely living at the mercy of those who care nothing about you, and therefore have no mercy. They are tolerating you. I would rather have some power and say in my own future. That is the difference between an armed or unarmed populace, and I will continue to speak out to keep my rights, freedom, and yes, power out of the hands of those who care nothing about me. Civilian ownership of firearms is a deterrent, no less so than mutually assured destruction (MAD) was between nuclear armed nations, to not only our own Government, but also any others who may think it would be possible to invade and stay in power here. The mistake you seem to be making is that you think an individual life, even that of a brutal criminal, is more important than the concept of freedom for all and what that means in the long run. I do not accept that premise.
I don't think there has ever been anything so fearful/cowardly in all of history as celebrated as gun ownership.

OK, cops are valiant, because they deliberately put themselves into danger all day long, ostensibly to protect others. But as far as the average person crowing loudly that they carry a gun because they feel safer, they're just advertising their fearfulness. Yes, there are some people, unfortunately, who might need a gun for protection, such as effeminate gay men and other minorities who might get picked on by various self-loathing morons. But if you're an 'average guy' what the hell do you need a gun for? It won't make you any safer. If someone sticks a gun in your back to rob you and you start to reach for your gun, you're gone. If burglars break into your house at night and you grab your gun, the burglars will shoot you before you're half way down the stairs.

With a gun in your house you can accidentally blow your brains out while cleaning it; your kids can get at it and kill themselves; you can suffer some small setback and deliberately kill yourself easily before you get a chance to calmly think about it. All these things happen alarmingly often.

There's so much crap here I don't know where to start. Accepting the reality of day to day life is NOT advertising fearfulness. Diligence is not cowardice. Using a condom or owning a fire extinguisher does not show an unhealthy paranoia of STDs or fire. I don't feel safer carrying a gun because I don't feel unsafe without my gun. Guns level the playing field and by their very nature ensure equality. Since you are so concerned about minorities getting "picked on" (haha) here's some homework https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basuto_Gun_War

I wonder what part of the political spectrum you sit on that you would fear guns as much as you do and in the same breath peg all homosexuals as flaming caricatures. Pretty tolerant of you. Have fun tied up on the floor in your house while an armed burglar rapes your wife and daughter in front of you, maybe he will let you all live once he's finished. Play the same scenario out in my house and it ends one of three ways: Dead intruders, dead me, or both. MAD worked for us in the cold war, it will work for me today. Also, what fantasy land do you live in where your average crack addicted burglar is a former Seal Team 6 member who can clear a house without a problem. I would point you toward the literally thousands of legal gun usages in the Unites States, but I doubt you will care or read them.

Last thing, I pulled this off Quora, but didn't check the sources.

"In fact, just recently I was reminded that the gun control study commissioned by the Clinton Administration and performed by the National Academy of Sciences found only one statistically significant effect in all the gun control laws they studied: The five-day waiting period affected the METHOD of suicide selected by middle-aged men. It didn't affect the RATE, only the method."

The AR-15 semi-automatic rifle
One of the two guns used by Omar Mateen
3.3 million
AR-15s in the US in 2012 (estimated)
45 rounds per minute
26 people killed by AR-15 in Sandy Hook in 2012
0 days' wait needed to obtain one in Florida
Source: Slate; AR-15.com; Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence