Adobe preparing to sue Apple over Flash support?

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Adobe is doing this as a step to try to stop the dam from breaking, they know if they don't do something soon, that a large portion of the web will eventually convert over to html5 and h.264. And IMO its about time, flash has sucked balls for a LONG time. It takes up way too much processor on all but the most modern machines.

Apple knew that they wouldn't be able to promise 10 hours of battery life on the iPad if Flash was enabled, so they didn't allow it, and I don't understand how anyone can argue with a straight face that Apple should have to allow it. The thing is Apple is a minority in every market except mp3 players (maybe even one there too, but they are the most well known), so there is no anti-trust/monopoly argument here, and 99% of the buyers of an iPhone or iPad KNOW that it doesn't support Flash, so again the consumer is making the CHOICE not to have Flash.

Adobe gets a big Fail on this.
It's not the same as PS3... Apple's devices and machines are not gaming consoles, they are multi-purpose computers geared towards a multitude of end users who all want to use their machines and devices for different things. There is no logic to not supporting Flash. It's just an assface move from Apple.
You obviously don't know alot about Flash. It's supported H.264 for the longest time and the stuff you can do with HTML5 is nowhere near what you can do with Flash.
If that was directed at me, you are right I don't know a whole lot about flash although I did help develop a land mine detection simulator with it a few years back...

I think you are missing the point though, the h.264 whether or not it is supported in flash is moot, the problem is if you are using flash to do it you are still using flash which is hard on battery life and opening up another avenue of exploits.

And Flash is only not supported on the iPhone and iPad (Apple laptops/desktops support it), if you've done some crazy stuff to your web page to out-do html5 it is probably complex or involved enough that you wouldn't want to use those sites on an iPhone or iPad, you'd want a real computer with a mouse and keyboard.
Adobe would sue on the basis of anti-trust and monopolistic activity. The bottom line is that it's clear Apple was fully aware that Adobe was building Flash CS5 to support the iPhone/iPad/iTouch platform. As soon as Adobe had gotten close to a release of CS5, Apple puts out their "you have to use Apple's dev environment..." b.s.

I own an iTouch and it pisses me off to no end that Apple is treating me like a child and telling me what I can and cannot run on the device that *I* paid for. If I want a "buggy" experience, that's my call. The reality is that I'm not likely to have a buggy experience by running Flash apps. It's more likely that Jobs will lose a ton of money because I'll find games and apps that are coded in Flash and I won't spend money at his precious iTunes store.

It amazes me that people really think Jobs is trying to protect them from a poor user experience. I know Macheads love the guy, and I fully admit that Apple makes really sweet devices, but nobody can truly be so stupid as to think Jobs is block Flash due to how it performs on the devices. This is solely for monetary reasons.
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