Benchmark video card?

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I'm just starting to get into computers so i really don't know how to do much, i just play my games but i was wondering how do i Benchmark my graphics card? to check if it is running at a normal speed
Thares a few programs but you need to know the "specs" of your card in the first place.,GLexess,3DMark2002 are the ones i use but thare may be other ones out thare.
I'll let the "GURU's" Elaborate.

Have fun:grinthumb
ok now dont forget that some geeky benchmark doesnt really mean squat when you in game. at a lan we all started benchmarking and we recorded our scores. these scores were supposedly to show whose computers are the best. we soon saw something very different as we started to play more games. different graphics cards went better in different apps. just stick ot games you know. anyways i got a 9600pro and a friends ti4200 beat mine in ut2004. benchmarks or for those who have no social status. justmy $0.02
If you want a good general benchmark dont use something synthetic like the 3dmark series - they dont tell you squat when it comes to playing games. The best recommendations i can come up with is Aquamark (which is a direct port of a game) and the UT2k3/2k4 series which come with a built in benchmarker - simply run teh benchmark exe and it gives you some nice shiney numbers - problem solved.

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