Canada about to drop Net Neutrality

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I read the second article, what are they doing? Imposing content rights or just viewing the prices? Or both ;) ?
Sadly, government officials seldomly have sufficient knowledge to make an
informed decision on technology issues. Their lobbyists get in their face and
when the noise to signal ratio gets low enough, the noise wins.

Some how these two questions never get asked:
1) what's the effect of doing nothing?
2) what's the pros/cons of the nominated policy?
Back a few months ago I got pretty interested in this and did some reading, and I still haven't decided whether net neutrality is good or bad, then I kind of forgot about it, and also forgot what I had learned.

and jobeard is right, the people making the decisions on things like this almost never have any first hand knowledge of the issue, and just vote for whatever is going to get them reelected or the most money.
If this BS ends up where the Telecommunications companies are going to control the price of viewing content many people won't even be able to afford a internet connection. It's all about money.

What's wrong with the way we all pay our monthly bill and get our service now? Obviously they don't think we are even entiltled too that.

They don't own the content that we view. This makes me so mad. Greedy SOB's.
This is a win/win for the Canadian Telcos and the Canadian government. The Telcos will undoubtedly get a large raise in fees overall from this new policy and the government, of course, will get more taxes based on these higher fees. Follow the money.
If you support net neutrality in Canada, consider joining our Facebook group where we're discussing ways to bolster this cause.

In addition, has been reinstated under new ownership. If you don't think control of the internet should be handed over to the telcos, please please please sign this petition!! Thanks.

By the way, I'm really sorry if this is considered spam. I only just thought of that - please don't blacklist me. =/
Sorry for diverting the focus of the thread but I think the following link is at least tangentially -is that a word?- related to the issue of dropping the net neutrality in Canada.

I listen to and it's so cool. I think it's located in Seattle, WA. Apparently they will get into trouble starting July 15.

Please read and consider the following link:

Ignorance is Bliss, Stupidity is it's own reward...

jobeard said:
Sadly, government officials seldomly have sufficient knowledge to make an
informed decision on technology issues. Their lobbyists get in their face and
when the noise to signal ratio gets low enough, the noise wins.

Or so it seems for politicians. Are they that uninformed, or is there more money in not knowing. Here in the colonies, they seem unconcerned if you die on the battlefield and your family is living on the street. Why would anyone assume they would or could care about your ISP being a rip off, since they can surf the web on the publics money. They don't even have to pay for postage for the crap they mail you at election time, and to add insult to injury, it gets preferential treatment!
As I've pointed out in other threads, addiction is the first step in being at someone else's mercy. Can't live without the internet? Bet on the price being raised! Public officials tend to be rewarded for being out of touch with their constituents. You can make money in the stock market when a stock fails, I've never been able to get my head around that, but it's true enough. Can't live without the concept of salvation? Bet on the Pope to issue a statement the the Holy Roman Catholic Church is the only true church, so send money to settle their lawsuits. Think your computer is the best way to play your CD's? Then you can count on Sony to rook kit your a**. Dependence is a punishable offense! I tend to like broadcast TV, (perhaps that's why I only have a 45 minute attention span), But every month I have an extra 44 bucks, in not having to send it to Comcast. I drive a motorcycle, inconvenient maybe, but 53 MPG on the highway, says some oil sheik isn't romancing one of his 20 or so wives on my dime.
Should the worst happen with internet neutrality, I'll wait for pages to load and still patronize the sites which have been good to me.
George W. Bushes popularity has slipped to less than 28%. That means 28 people out of 100 still think he's doing a good job. Now that's a scary stat.
Point being, at the end of the day we have nobody to blame for our troubles but ourselves. Canadian voters unite, cast out your oppressors!
Sorry about the rambling, but s*** like this really incenses me.
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