Downloading the whole internet


Posts: 4,190   +11
I'm tired of surfing through every page one after the other. I have decided to download everything & read it all calmly some other time...

Now that is one of, if not the best one, that I have seen. You go "D".

And I have about a billion 3 1/2 disks if you wanna borrow some.
Very nice Didou! :bounce: Please let me know when you get finished so I can get it from you. ;)

Just wondering, but how did you make that pop-up???

In the meantime I'll be :zzz:
Its just another frame of the animated gif.
Its just drawn over the top of the other image, no actual popup is used... ;)
i've always wondered how those animated .gifs are made. I can make a single picture in paint and save it as .gif but is there a special program to animate it??
A gif is basiclly a bunch of frames showing up one after the other likae a flash animation. You can easily do them with a program such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro.
I recently saw a site which showed a series of weird blue screens. One at an atm and stuff like that. I thought it was hilarious. For some reason this post reminded me of it, probably just because i'm sure there is somone feeling the same way about trying to download the internet on a telephone chord. haha I LOVE broadband cable internet.