Eddy Cue says Apple's best product pipeline in 25 years is coming in 2014

This is a turntable sold by "Bang & Olufsen".....

It, like all of their other products, has decent, but not spectacular specifications. But, with its over the top Scandinavian modern styling and pure snob appeal, their products sold for outrageous dollar amounts. The company even had single brand outlets in high end malls across the country, as well as mixed brand representation in upper tier audio salons.The company predates Apple by decades.

And yet, B & O marketing strategy translates directly to the paradigm of the modern day Apple.

So, to recap, Apple is the B & O of the computer industry. While "Beats", is the B & O of the ghetto. Straight up, yo!

So, it should be patently obvious, that Apple not only wants to harvest the cash of the yuppie set, but the inner city head bangers drug sales money as well.

As for "Beats", it's overpriced nonsense, but it gets snapped up like pairs of $200.00 signature sneakers, and it's targeted at the same "demographic".

That is the biggest CD player I have ever seen