Firefox bookmark help

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How do i organize firefox bookmark when i click organize and select show inthe order it added . It show in the order i want but once i get and click main bookmark it not in the order it show when i was in the orgnaize part please help.
can u try asking that again in english please? not trying to be an @ss but im not sure what you are asking
i trying to change my bookmark order to the date i add them . When i go to bookmark manager and select sort to date it show it in the right order but out side of bookmark manager it go back to the old order.
as far as i can see outside of the organise bookmarks window, you can only sort by name. you can move them about to have them in whatever order you want though
I've been using Firefox for almost 3 years. Organizing them by date added wouldn't do any good if I wanted to search for, say 'IE7'. So I have made up folders by subjects>> For instance, Computer> Browsers> Firefox.

That means I can search by Computer, Browser or Firefox, depending on how I want to narrow the search. If you set up the folders, then open the Bookmarks> Organize Bookmarks, you can drag any Bookmark on the right screen to the folder on the left.

I don't even see an option to sort by date. Is there some reason you think they would best serve you if sorted by date? Wouldn't you then have to remember which date you saved the Bookmark in order to bring it up?
I am just used to doing it that way i know if i just save a bookmark . It be at the buttom you know any way to do it this way.
tpw, you know when you open the Bookmarks, there is a place to put a search word in so you don't have to go through the Bookmark list. How do you use the if your Bookmarks are in by date?
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