Getting latest product prices from web - with what?

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Hello everyone.

Im a newbie here ;).

i hope someone can help me out. I need to have an overview over the latest lowest prices from the web ( for different cameras into a document/software.
I do have various products that i need to know the updated prices for and make my own price for it.

For example lets say the D80:

The lowest price for D80 is 5630. There i need the following information copied to a document and next time i open it it has to look wether the price has changed and notify me.
Then i can go for for example Nikon D200 ( and import the lowest price into the same document.

Lastly i have a full overview over the lowest prices over the products i want from

I have tried webquery from excel 2003 but it does only catch the whole site and not just the information i need.

Can anyone please help me?

Appreciate it.

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