Hard drive

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I want to change the volume on my hard drvie.
On local drive i want 10gig and on D drive on i want 5 gig. Right now it is Local drive 5 gig and D drive is 5 gig.
You can change the volume size with programs like Partition magic.
I cant seem to remember what program i used but Partition magic comes in mind as a replacement.
I usume you also have an E: because the math doesn't add up:eek:

Greets Crazy,
Another method if you are using windows XP (assuming that you are using only one hard disk);

Create an image of your local volume and write the image to your D: drive.

Open the computer management console (Use help and support to find this on your computer if you need to). From there, you will be able to swap your drive letter assignment. When you are happy that all is well with what was once your D: drive, erase what you don't want on the other drive.

As always, make sure you back up your data first!!!!
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