How can I organize a MASSIVE messy folder?


Posts: 161   +1
Hi, I have a gargantuan wallpaper folder that I download wallpaper packs into every day. I've done this for years and that folder is... imposing to say the least.

The problem is it's not sorted. The packs inside it are either a folder or an archive. I would like a program (PLEASE tell me one exists) that will for example move all folders and archives in the root of this folder to a new folder simply based on a keyword found within the title of said folder and archive, eg if it has "nature" in its file name put it in a folder called nature etc.

This would be an easy way to sort out that hell hole.

Please tell me a program like exists! Or does anyone know of another way to sort it?

I don't just have "nature" wallpapers there are several category folders I want to create, mixed, dreamy, anime, etc
Brute force:
create a list and then move them manually

get a command prompt
CD to the Wallpaper directory

DIR /B >_file_names.txt
@@ list is naturally sorted by name

open it: Notepad _file_names.txt

get another command prompt, place it beside the first
cd to the Wallpaper directory

COPY a line from list in window one
in window two type MOVE and paste after it, and then add the destination folder name​

repeat for every line in the notepad
Ok, but be careful here

cd into Wallpapers
mkdir ..\NEWTARGET
relocate files like

move foo* ..\NEWTARGET\newsubject\
ALWAYS test the pattern match using DIR FOO* to see what you will catch. If it's not right, the add more, eg DIR FOO*OTHER or perhaps FOO*OTHER.JPG
When you like what's returned, THEN

You could create a command-line script that searches for file with the specific criteria. And then have the script automatically create a folder and move all matching files into the folder.