I changed the active partition to one without an OS

I was trying to get my second hard drive working by setting the active partition using diskmgmt.msc , then malware bytes decied that it was SOOO important , and restarted the computer. I got a system repair disk, and tried bootrec /fixboot (nothing) and bootrec /rebuildbcd

Scanning all disks for Windows installations.

Please wait, since this may take a while...

Successfully scanned Windows installations.
Total identified Windows installations: 1
[1] D:\Windows
Add installation to boot list? Yes<Y>/No<N>/All<A>:Y

(something like)-> could not find what was requested

Lastly, it's windows 7, when I launch system repair on system repair disk, it can't find the OS

Help please.
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Turn off computer and get into the boot menu, then go to drives and select the hard drive with the os as a boot drive and unplug the other then plug it back in so it thinks its a new hard drive and select it as storage, then try booting also a worthy investment would be an ssd for your os so it boosts smoother and faster