I have a weird and hard to explain sound card problem

As the tittle said, I have a rather hard to explain and weird sound card problem.
For the detail, please check the video https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxanGjzrs6e1eHlrZTJ0Umt2QTA

The error sound card is the one on the mobo and as you can see, it's connecting and disconnecting randomly and I can't disable it(when I tried, it became not responding).

I've already tried to buy an USB sound card to replace it, but since the mobo one can't be disabled, it messes up with the sound and made me can't hear anything

I seriously need help ASAP
Update: I've managed to (temporary) uninstall the thing by forcefully deleting it from the device manager, but then again I know it will re-install back after I restart the pc since it's connected with the mobo

conclusion: I still need help