Is the BenQ GL2460HM a good fit for my PC?


I just finished building my PC and currently am using it with my 42 inch TV.
However, I would like to move to a proper monitor on my desk.
I'm thinking of getting 2 monitors.
I live in Japan, and I can get this monitor at 144 USD each.

The main need is for gaming, everything from the Witcher 3 to Skyrim to DOTA 2 and future games.

Here are my PC's specs:

Here is the monitor in question:

If you could answer any of the following questions or have any insight on the monitor, I would be grateful.

Is the BenQ GL2460HM a good gaming monitor?
Is it too high/ too low quality for my GPU?
Is it a good monitor for dual display?

Is there another monitor you think makes better use of my PC's specs/ meets my needs?
I'm not wanting to spend much more than 300 USD, I may opt to buy a single monitor which is of higher quality.

Thank you
Honestly I do not see a issue with you using that monitor. It should actually preform perfectly with your computer.