Microsoft loses second appeal in Word patent case

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A few million out of billions? Microsoft will survive, but they keep shooting themselves in the foot with the way they handle problems. Ignore the small developer? They should open up to them in the beginning and own these brainy little guys.
In one instance I can think of, they've (M$) have actually done this. Mark Rossinoivich, wrote a program called "Rootkit Revealer", in response to Sony's deployment of rootkits in CDs as part of a DRM strategy. This was available as freeware, along with several other diagnostic programs. A few months later after the Sony incident, "Rootkit Revealer" became available at M$ downloads! I don't know the backstory, or if this is the exception that proves the rule. But, Mark's site was linked to directly M$, so both parties had to know what's going. on. Or maybe they now do in fact, now "own" Mark.

Note 1; I'm not going to attermpt typing "Rossinovich twice. (Whoops I just did).
There that will teach them to steal stuff.. but then again isint that how Microsoft got started..
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