Mods not displayed any more ?


Posts: 1,055   +11
If I rightly recall, the persons moderating a forum were shown at the bottom right of the screen (when we scrolled down).

They don't seem to show up there any more.
That must be something Julio has recently done. Every mod, except momok is a super mod and can moderate all forums, so I guess there`s no real need to have a mods name in each forum. That`s why there`s only the Security and the Web forum, as far as I`m aware, that shows a moderator. I.E momok, as he is currently limited to moderating that forum.

Regards Howard :)
momok is the only 'Mod' So if you look at the Security forum, you'll see his name at the bottom there.

There are no other designated mods for other forums. As howard stated we are all supermods over all forums.