RSS News Feed OK?


Posts: 323   +1
The news RSS feed is giving me "Loading Errors", is it OK?

I opened the XML in a browser window and I get an error at line 41, column 240
Thanks for noticing and posting the note, I have corrected the problem now, and will try to fix it at its source so it doesn't happen again.
Again, for over 12 hours.
TechSpot's hiring... Do you want someone to fix the RSS feed for you? (I'm looking at it very often, but some days, I'm just not touching at my computer.)
What reader do you use? I just recently found out that the problem is not necessarily our feed, but the readers that screw up when special characters are in the feeds. I just tried opening it with Feedreader and Google's web-based XML reader and it was all good.

Still I have to make sure the feed is readable and compatible with all readers, I will try to fix that later today.

Thanks for the note once again.
Line 53, Col 240 :<description>One of the biggest problems that all CPU manufacturers face is power consumption, both in the amount of power it takes to do particular operations and the amount of power wasted while a CPU works. Even though we have &am...</description>

Seems like the &am makes some problems. In the home page, it's &8220 or something like that instead.