UK bans spam messages

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Posts: 4,909   +8
"The UK has made spam a criminal offence to try to stop the flood of unsolicited messages. Under the new law, spammers could be fined £5,000 in a magistrates court or an unlimited penalty from a jury."

This is the best news I've had all month!

Now, if only:
A)The rest of the world would follow suit, and
B)We could introduce jail terms or the death penalty, then everything would be just fine!

I really hope that, one day soon, spam will be just a distant, fading memory! More here.
They should fine the advertisers that pay spammers to send out spam. That way anonymous spammers won't be able to stay in business. These advertisers are after all the equivalent of someone hiring a hitman, so they should bear some of the responsibility. These advertisers can always be traced as that is the intent of advertising. That'll sort things out for sure.
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