Wondering if my motherboard can be OC/TWD.

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I wanted to know if my ASUS A7M266-M can be overclocked, I tried updating drivers and like 1-2 options were added after that. i didnt see any overclocking options and same for video card. :( so i wanted to see if anyone can tell me if i can overclock this motherboard if not, would there be any other way to overclock it through registry? / windows with a prog. if give me some hints :p

Also wondering is there any program that can tell me my cpu/video card temperture through windows? if so paste d/l link.
To overclock the A7A/A7M boards, you have to change the CPU setting to MANUAL. When you do those, you can then select your FSB speed as well as the multiplier. The same applies to VCORE.
Has the multiplier adjustments been added with a BIOS update ?

When the a7m266 came out, it wasn't possible to change it.


Asus A7M266's mirage: The label indicating the individual settings for the clock multiplier means absolutely nothing. The board does not permit alteration of Athlon's clock multiplier - the required switches have not been integrated into the board.

Overclocking enthusiasts who refrain from soldering-work might as well forget about using these boards. None of the tested boards offered the possibility of modifying the clock multiplier. You can only overclock the processor slightly by increasing the front-side-bus, thus also changing the memory, PCI and AGP clock.
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