It took 700 million years for Worms on earth to evolve from flat mud-dwelling strips of flesh into the sophisticated, fast-living, fun-loving earth-filled tubes we see today. Fortunately it's only taken Team 17 about 10 years to pull off a similar trick for their Worms. Not bad going in the Darwinian Derby stakes.

So Worms 3D on the Mac? Yes indeedy - the third generation of Worms has gone all 3 dimensional on us, but before any flat earthers start getting fidgety, let's make this clear --- it has retained all the best bits. Team 17 have made a superb job of making flatworms into roundworms (bad puns are part of the deal) - none of this "it's in 3 dimensions and none of them are fun" malarkey.

To find out exactly what they've done, check out the other areas of this minisite for more Worms-related sense and nonsense. And remember, the best things in life are THREE! And the bad puns roll on...