Skype has launched its Skype Voicemail service in full now. The service was previously in beta. With Skype Voicemail, users can leave unlimited Voicemail messages for all Skype users, and can also receive Voicemails from any caller. There is also the interesting ability to send pre-recorded voice greetings to any other Skype user, regardless if the recipient is also a subscriber to the service. Skype have also launched Skype for Windows v1.3.

[Skype for Windows v1.3 incorporates] feature improvements, including enhancements for importing new contacts to contact lists, as well as a more customizable user profile area. Skype v1.3 allows users to populate their Skype contact lists from desktop applications including MSN, and auto-populate exact matches from Microsoft Outlook. Skype for Windows also offers an enhanced visual experience with streamlined user interfaces and improved notices about client upgrades and premium services. New animated emoticons give instant messages more expression.