Skype is one of the most quickly growing businesses out there, and they are showing no signs of slowing. The acquisition by eBay seems to have only helped them in their progress. Recently, they are adding a very interesting free service to their lineup, one that will allow a 100-person conference call to take place. Previously, the limit was 10, and originally this was largely due to bandwidth issues. Skype does have pay products, and typically with a mixed company like that you'd expect to see them make that a pay service. Their plans for the future remain solid.

Skype envisions Skypecasts as a way for people to discuss shared interests and hobbies. Six Apart Ltd., the parent of blogging and networking services TypePad, Movable Type and LiveJournal, plans to promote Skypecasts as a way of expanding online communities, Klein said.
While I can't imagine how you would find a 100 person conference useful, it may end up being a very novel thing to use in a forum-type sense or doing announcements live in a Skype environment. Interesting stuff.

Skype is one of the most quickly growing businesses out there, and they are showing no signs of slowing. The acquisition by eBay seems to have only helped them in their progress. Recently, they are adding a very interesting free service to their lineup, one that will allow a 100-person conference call to take place. Previously, the limit was 10, and originally this was largely due to bandwidth issues. Skype does have pay products, and typically with a mixed company like that you'd expect to see them make that a pay service. Their plans for the future remain solid.

Skype envisions Skypecasts as a way for people to discuss shared interests and hobbies. Six Apart Ltd., the parent of blogging and networking services TypePad, Movable Type and LiveJournal, plans to promote Skypecasts as a way of expanding online communities, Klein said.
While I can't imagine how you would find a 100 person conference useful, it may end up being a very novel thing to use in a forum-type sense or doing announcements live in a Skype environment. Interesting stuff.