Apple's mobile operating system has posted record Internet market share numbers in excess of 50 percent, reaching its highest point ever. All other smartphone and tablet operating systems are below 20 percent market share, according to the latest data from Net Applications.

Net Applications' data shows that iOS held a 54.65 percent market share based on connections monitored at the company's 40,000 client websites around the globe. Java ME ranked second at 18.52 percent while Android trailed just behind at 16.26 percent. BlackBerry holds a 3.29 percent share while Windows operating systems and all others are under 1 percent each.

Similarly, browser market share on mobile devices and tablets showed a 55.59 percent share for Safari, 18.92 percent share for Opera Mini and 16.03 percent share for Android Browser.

Android was able to pass the iPhone in US market share back in January, leaving Apple and RIM tied for second place. Furthermore, 56 percent of smartphones sold in the last three months run Android. So why does iOS have such a commanding lead in this latest study?

It comes down to the different platforms used to connect to the net. Apple has three key outlets: the iPhone, iPod and iPad. Android has a plethora of phones on the market but their tablet business isn't nearly as dominant as Apple's. Furthermore, there is no iPod equivalent running Android. RIM's downward spiral continues while Windows Phone 7 has yet to make a serious dent in the market.