Apple iOS7



Apple iOS7

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Expert reviews and ratings


Overall, iOS 7 is definitely a welcome change to the way iOS devices have been looking. The new UI, colour scheme and icons look good. The updated camera app, the new photo gallery are also good tweaks. Apple has taken a really good step by learning...

By Tech2 on

Like all things Apple, there is no way that everyone will love the new look. It's always like that with major redesigns - even if everything about the new look was perfect, there would always be a large group of people to hate it for various...

By GSMArena on

iOS fut le premier système mobile et tactile à vraiment remporter les faveurs du grand public. Depuis, de l'eau a coulé sous les ponts et il était grand temps que la septième mouture arrive pour rajeunir une interface qui...

International Review By Ere Numérique on