Anyone knows of a list of Run commands?

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Posts: 17   +1
By Run I mean when you hit Start, then Run..., or its shortcut: Windows Key+R. Those

Like: msconfig, wordpad, notepad, etc

Thanks guys,

Run commands as you put it come in a couple of catagories CMD.exe has it's own operational commands. there is also Dos . the items you mentioned are individual programs . You can start almost any program on your computer from the run box.
Open the Command Prompt and type " help " ( no quotations) This will list all of different commands.
You can go and check out the Xp Resource Kit programs
(msconfig is just one)
In command prompt, type echo $PATH. Those are the directories from where you can run files directly using "Run..." without having to include the path.

In addition to .exe -files, there are a lot of different filename extensions Windows treats "differently", such as .msc (Management Console Snap-in) and .cpl (Control Panel addon). It's also possible to launch executables even if you rename them with some obscure extension, if you just include the extension when run.
yeah I know what you mean:
control panel
windows(or win XP)
and any file in your windows/(win XP)
your hard disk : C: or D:
your CD drive: E: or F:
your removable disk: G: or H:
your floppy disk: A: or B:
I'm in love with this run thing
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