Common Problem On Dell Laptops?

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This is my first post on the tech spot....SO HELLO EVERYONE!!!! Like i said, this is my first post and really wasn't excatly sure where to put it. I figured this is a good a spot as any!!! OK at the risk of being called "YOU FOOL"! I'll come right out with it. I was sneakin this chick into my room and it was dark. I had my laptop plugged in across the room, the chick snags my laptop cord with her foot and yanks my laptop. Get up to use my laptop the next day and something's shorted out. I say shorted out because I've done some searching online with the problem i was having (power pack light goes out when plugged into laptop). So i go through the steps on possibly locating the short which was, pull off piece by piece from the laptop, which goes something like this....first cdrw,memory,HD and so on till I'm down to the laptop frame, which still the power up light turns off as soon as its plugged in. So before I go out and buy another mother board W/O CPU and RAM, i want to make sure of a couple things....Is this a common problem with maybe power jack needs to be resoldered or some other easy fix, and if I do buy a motherboard will my CPU work in the same D600 motherboard. What I'm getting at is swapping CPU a routine type thing? Also should I move this post to a heading that has more traffic?
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