Compaq 1700T Presairo not reconizing cd rom

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Ok if any one can help me here i will love you forever.,

I have compaq presario 1700T. Its work decent as a laptop fopr a year since i bought it. Well the other day i decied to upgrade from xp home to pro so i could connect to my companys domain. When i did this XP no dosent see the CD/DvD rom AT ALL>. Ive gone through the device manager and all that and cant find it. I know the dvd/cd rom works becasuse obviously i did the upgrade from it. Also i can pull the rom out and push the floopy drive in and the bay sees it just fine. So then i figuerd ok ill just reinstall xp home from teh orgnial compaq cds since the domain is less important then being able to use my cd rom. But guess what i cant boot any more cause the cd rom dosent work. So is there a way to boot from a cd rom in another work station on teh network maybe? or and one have a clue why i cant see the rom? IM some what computer advancedd but not a tec and so need your help. PS the bios is lame on this thing when it loads it really dosent show crap escept the boot order of drives and thats realy it. and of course callin/contactoing compaq would be like pulling teeth from a bever in heat. Please HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!
Find someone with the same laptop and try your CD-drive in there, resp. try their CD-drive in yours. Probably a bent contact or dirt.
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