Drm Licence Problem

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Well if you're looking for a way to circumvent a DRM system, you're going against the DMCA laws. There are many places to look for info on the matter but I'm afraid TechSpot isn't one of them.
Well if they don't broadcast to your region, it must be for a reason. You should take that issue up with them rather then try to get the program through unlawfull ways.
Please get off your high horse! I was asking a question about something I dont know about and I get you ranting and raving on the otherside. I pay for all my services and dont download illegally . Now that I know I will be discussing this with the relevant people and I dont need somebody treating me like a criminal just for asking.

Well if you do not know about what you wish to speak of, there are other ways to ask about it rather then saying something like "drm problem". Stating clearly what the problem is would certainly help us help you.

Saying something like the country I'm in is in the the blocked list doesn't really say much. We know you're streaming some sort of video feed but does that mean you're watching it over the Internet on your PC, or on some TiVo like system, who knows ?

The help you get is equivalent to the amount of effort you're willing to put into finding that help.
Start Again

The site offers a pay per view option or download option for $4.95 +- .
When you enter the rugby channel which is in www.mediazone.com it shows on the top right hand area ,the places that it is available in and where it is not available. When downloaded the demo to preview the quality it shows the media player pop up then aquires licence and then bang , region blocked. Now I know and email the site for help . So do you have any suggestions on how not to infringe any laws and get the end result of me being able to watch the super 14 end of season?

Thank You

Didou said:
Well if you do not know about what you wish to speak of, there are other ways to ask about it rather then saying something like "drm problem". Stating clearly what the problem is would certainly help us help you.

Saying something like the country I'm in is in the the blocked list doesn't really say much. We know you're streaming some sort of video feed but does that mean you're watching it over the Internet on your PC, or on some TiVo like system, who knows ?

The help you get is equivalent to the amount of effort you're willing to put into finding that help.
Got one but they dont broadcast everything but thanks for your help. I guess this is like farting against thunder concerning try to get the services we want. I wish we had a service like mediazone that broadcast everything.
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