EMail File Attachment(MIME) transfer speed too slow on WideBand

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Using WideBand achieving about 1.5 Mbps with a speed test. When sending email with file attachment of 3.2MB, the time to send or receive the email w/file attachment takes minutes not seconds. A friend with the same BroadBand service using the same email message w/same attachment can do it in 73 seconds. Is there something I'm missing in settings on my system? Or is this an issue with the mail server(s) and MIME?

Well it all depends on what you upload speed is, not your download speed. You likely have 256kpbs or maybe a little higher. That really limits your capability of sending a large attachment quickly.

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Much Overhead

Thanks for your input. I would have thought that even at that speed, a 3MB file attachment would take around 1 1/2 minutes not 3 1/2. Figuring at that speed about 32KBytes per sec. There must be mucho overhead to a MIME file on transfer both ways.
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