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Hallo :bounce:
Please can somebody tell the best upgrade for the EPOX ep-3vba.
Can i put an P3 cpu and which one? I don't need exotic solutions, only to bring the MB to 800mhz as is on written. I looked arround the net but now i know less then before!
Thank You
Thessaloniki Greece
Ja ouch. I have this pdf too and it is blank for my MB. On the MB and in the manual for options of the cpu is written 66 and 100 mhz but some places are marked as reserved. For 8x100 as example. The cpu is now the celeron 6x66,5 400mhz. In the manual you see the P2 cpu but it is from 1999. The question is if with some updates for the BIOS, chipset etc. is it possible to go to the reserved places. If you have any time download please the manual for EP-3VBA, you will understand more then me.
Thank,s Angelos
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