Gzip and tar @ the same time in Solaris...

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Posts: 653   +0
Hi all,

Anyone knows how to tar and gzip a file at the same time in Solaris 8?

This is easy to do under Linux with tar xzvf, but I'm not sure how to pipe the commands under Solaris...

Originally posted by Mictlantecuhtli
(g)zip (-r) package-name file(s). Use -r if you want to include subdirectories as well.

Thanks. I was actually asking how to tar and gzip (compress) at the same time. Guess I should have made my question a little bit more clearer :eek:
Originally posted by Mictlantecuhtli
tar -cf package files/directories ;gzip package.tar
By the way, bzip2 compresses much better than gzip.
Ahh... The semicolon ;) Thanks for the heads up. Yups, thanks for the bzip2 tip as well. I'll use bzip2 when I can, but it isn't installed in the system I'm using :(
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