Hard drive transfer

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I have recently purchased another computer that I will use at my condo in the winter in Florida. How can I transfer all the files on my hard drive from my computer in Ohio to my new computer in Florida?
Data files are easy, Programs are a mess.
Get an inexpensive USB external drive and format it FAT32.
Then you copy the files to it.
Later you can attach it to ANY system that supports FAT32 files.
Data Transfer

I assume you want to do this remotely and you have broadband? If that is the case why not user Remote desktop?
Transporting volumes of data over a network will be slow and if it has problems,
can be messy to fix. For example, if you're transferring 400 files and it disconnects,
which files are still left untransferred? which ones are partially transferred?
One solution is to create an archive first, transport it as an all or nothing
proposition, and then restore the archive on the destination system.

Two progams are designed for data transfer: FTP and its better secured version SSH.
On windows we all have FTP but you need the Server process FTPD also. It
doesn't matter which system has FTPD, but it must be on one end or the other
of the source-target systems.

SSH (Secured SHell) and SSHD is a Telnet+FTP+Shell Command service which
can enable encrypted transfers. Several variations are available.
SSH is NOT a GUI tool so you need to us it with it's command line syntax.
If you intend remote access as you mode of work, I highly recommend installing
Cygwin and using SSH within it.
buy yourself a $20 IDE usb to IDE adapter. Bum a spare drive and copy all your stuff over to that drive. Then copy that drive to your new system. Easy stuff.
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