Heatsking too large for my ASUS?

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Hello. I bought a mobo-cpu bundle from TD. CelD340 and ASUS P4V8X-MX. I bought also an Arctic-Cooling Super Silent 4 Ultra CPU heatsink (hs) from a local dealer. This heatsink is supposed to be 478 compatible, but when I present it on the retention module of the cpu area, the heatsink sits on the chipset hs, which is placed pretty close to the CPU area. The contact between both hs is small (1 mm), but I don't know if this could prevent the cpu hs from make full contact with the cpu.
I wonder if this cpu hs is a bit oversized for this mobo.
Dimensions of the cpu hs are 92x92x48mm

The whole cpu hs seems to fit well in the retention module and it appears to touch de cpu, but it looks like if I lower the levers the hs will sit a bit inclined because it touches the chipset hs.

Any suggestions? Should I be OK with this or I get another hs?
Take a saw or a file (or any power tool) and just remove the offending part of the CPU or chipset HS. Losing some .1 % of its volume will not make the heatsink perform any worse.
Thanks for the advise, but I also see that one of the levers completely invades the room for one of the memory sticks. The slots are pretty close to the heatsink area (5mm)
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