How do i create i text file of folder contents?

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That's a very clear question. We do not know if you're using Windows, DOS, Unix, Linux, BeOS, etc...

For Windows, at the console type :

dir C:\temp > contents.txt

This will create a file called contents.txt with a listing of files on C:\temp ( for more options, type dir /? ).

dir C:\temp >> contents.txt

This is almost the same thing as the first instruction, only difference is that if Contents.txt allready exists, its content won't be overwritten by the new one. The new listinbg will be put at the end of what was allready present in the TXT file.

For Linux, once again at the console type :

ls /temp > contents.txt

This will create a file called contents.txt with a listing of files on /temp ( for more options, type ls --help ).
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