How to learn c++

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I have taken a 1 year course of c++ at school and am wondering where do i go from here. Is there any good online tutorials i can get or do i need to go buy a book? Anyway as far as i got was just barely how to do the basics in classes such as function overloading.
Get a book and check out your User CP and signature. Adding images is as easy as adding an
In college, they lean on programming theories and algorithms. For the most part, you'll be learning on your own on how to master a programming language.

My best advice is get a book to learn the basics of the C++ language. I suggest the Deitel 3rd edition. I'm currently using this. I don't know how far you are in C++. Transition from Java to C++ for me was easy. Most of the syntax are identical since Java was modeled after C++.
That's a pretty basic program, he's using the standard IO streams ( cout / cin ). Cout will generally be the screen & Cin the keyboard.

It's simply printing techspot!!! on the screen.:)

Java is very similar to C++ so I thought they also had the cin / cout system.
I was just wondering what the relevancy of his post was to the topic.

He forgot an int return type and state "using std::cout"
You don't give us much to work with.
What is your problem with lesson 3? Are there certain elements you don't understand, or is it the entire concept? And how young/old are you?

What you could do is go to your local library and see if they have any other C++ books. I started reading C++ for beginners and found that to be pretty decent (though I don't know how it progresses after chapter 8 or ten, as I then started doing C++ at the uni)....
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