I really need help

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A big Hi to everyone,
I am new to this forum. I really need some assistance with an up coming event. Any kind of help would be appreciated.

- We have a very large number of associates involved in Charity work all over the globe.
-after facing years of hardship in getting everyone to go the pc way, we have finally done it.But just barely.

- we want to hold a conference(VOIP) in which around 1000 associates would take part, i mean be able to hear what the speaker is saying and also be able to reply back. Not all 1000 would be talking , most of them would be listening to others(as in a conference)

- we cannot afford to buy anything as time is really short and we are after all a charity organisation=less money :(

- we did come across oftware like skype, but some of the associates are in remote locations and have dial up.Downloading really long files would be an issue

- I was told that i can use windows netmeeting to do this , is this true?
- All the pc' we have ,use windows,. so i am assuming that netmeeting would already be installed.

- if this i posible could any friend out here help us out. like maybe write down the steps involved or give me a link, as that would be very helpful in disseminating to the other associates via email.

- Is there anyother way to do this which is free?

thanks and God bless ,
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