legit MS office?

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what're the advantages of using a legitimate copy of MS office vs using a cracked pirated version?
The legitimate version will entitle you to support from Microsoft (& the TechSpot forums as well).
Besides, why not pay for the software that you are using. The developers put in quite a bit of time to get it to the point where it is.

Techspot neither supports or condones the use of pirated materials. So if you have any questions regarding it, take it somewhere else.
Honesty pays.
Legitimate software can be upgraded.
Microsoft now has a routine for exposing pirated stuff. We have now seen it several times. It only happens if you have been online for a while, or if you receive Microsoft updates.

There is a large color image that appears on the screen, saying something like, "Your Microsoft product is not an authorized version, and may be fraudulent. Please contact Microsoft" and gives a number. This can be embarrassing if someone else uses your computer, or sees the screen. The message is large enough to be seen across the room.
Future downloads may not be available to you.
It could stop working at any time, without notice, if Microsoft decides to change their current policy and you are on line where they can reach your computer.

Now if only Microsoft would only charge a fair price for office, like they do in Thailand, Brunei, and Singapore.
raybay said:
Now if only Microsoft would only charge a fair price for office, like they do in Thailand, Brunei, and Singapore.

That's why I only use Open Office. Free and works as well or better than M$ Office IMO.
hmmm. question then, what makes microsoft office worth paying for? i mean, what justification can microsoft give for the premium it charges on its software? i mean, there's got to be something there that's worth paying for that makes it more competitive than free software such as open office
Consistency, and an extremely large body, world wide, of employees and potential employees trained to use it. It offers a standard for getting work done. This could have been Lotus, Word Perfect, WordStar, or Multimate.
It all started when Thomas Edison invented the typewriter in 1872. Wang had their chance in the 70's. Over 140 different versions and companies since. But nobody had the vision... nobody understood it was an international jobs program. Wherever you go in the world, you will find people who know that working your way up into regular employment, college, and a career starts with Word, and perhaps Excel.
There is absolutely no justification for the price. Word that sells in the $200+ in the US and Europe, sells for $17 in Thailand and China. They rob us because they can.
Beat out a better plow share and they will come.
Open Office could do it. Nothing else has a chance. Been there. Done that.
Good post Raybay. Like me, you've obviously been round and round and round the block.....Re wang, I'm not sure if you aren't referring to the Wang dedicated word-processing machine, or some attempt Wang made at a Windows-compatible suite. Both, probably - I have very vague memories, and if I am right, their suite was issued as a free trial, never sold and only lasted months.

As for consistency, well I know what you mean, but 'consistent' is hardly an adjective that could be properly applied to MS office, I think !! And hence the argument for that being a good reason for the success of office holds less water than the other argument, that MS might be crap at producing software, but near miraculous at marketing, not to mention the stranglehold they got on civic services, schools and universities world-wide largely by predatory pricing.
Wang had the vision. His kids did not. They got too greedy too early, and sold instead of building. There were others. Digital Equipment, for instance.

I think it is all pretty amazing. When the technology world was nearly totally proprietary, what worked was making the pie freely available to all, while controlling the cookbook... then buying out everybody that had a good recipe.

Apple had the better idea, but the wrong approach and almost lost their way. Xerox, too. I remember when those first printer idea guys showed up at their small booth at the Mosconi Center in SFO with a printer made of painted wood with knobs on it and sold their idea of word processing software by somebody else, but where you could print documents on the kitchen table. They raised enough money there to "build" the first small printer. Nobody knew their printer was a piece of nicely fashioned wood, with fan folded paper sticking out of it.
Without the idea of the small printer, WordPerfect and Wordstar would have gone nowhere.
Of course, like IBM, Micro-Soft just bought into good ideas of others. MITS Altair, Basic, Cobol-80, Visicalc, Wordstar, Cards to work in Apple, Seattle Computer Products with its CP/M...
More than any other part of their success, hiring a LOT of really good, young people, which was also the reason for the success of Apple. Then giving them freedom to roll.
Always charging a lot of money. Always.
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