Looking for fibre optic work?

Could anyone help me i am looking for a job in fibre optic installation and testing i am fully qualified and experienced.Any help would be appreciated.
where do you live? i know that un the US (illinois in particular) that comm lines are going up like nothing else...they just layed 20,000 miles of wire in franklin park.
If you like travelling: the whole country of Rwanda (in Africa) is being covered with fibre-optic cables.
They aim to link up more than half the population by the end of this year!
Rwanda? i guess that genocide must have worked itself out then.

i was truly astouded when comcast, an american communications company, expanded thier network to california. they have company owned backbones running under 2,000 miles of cornfields and mountains, all the way across the midwest, west, rocky mountains, and the sierra nevada range. i recall back in 2002 when they served the tri-county detroit area...man these things get big fast.