New tree-planting drones can plant 100,000 trees in a single day

William Gayde

Posts: 382   +5

While the traditional uses of drones are typically commercial or recreational, one UK-based company is using them to help the environment. BioCarbon Engineering has teamed up with drone manufacturer Parrot to create a system for autonomously planting trees to fight deforestation.

According to the World Economic Forum, the world cuts down roughly 15 billion trees but only plants 9 billion. This is in part because replanting manually is very slow and expensive. The drone-based system on the other hand is able to plant trees ten times faster than humans, for 85% less money, and in places humans can't reach.

The drones are organized in fleets of 6 drones each. Each fleet will first use GPS and computer vision techniques to create a 3D map of the terrain to be reforested. The drones will then come back and shoot germinated seed pods in pre-defined areas of the terrain. They can fire the seeds at roughly one every second for a total of 100,000 each day. The drones can also carry different seed types to help create a more diverse ecosystem.

The company released an overview of how the system would work a few years ago, but it has now been implemented and is beginning to restore mangroves in Myanmar.

BioCarben Engineering plans to operate 150 fleets of drones and has a goal of planting half a trillion trees in the next three decades.

Permalink to story.

What's the damned difference, if they're going to pulverize ten times that amount for junk mail in the meantime?

Now, we just need another drone that can water these 100,000 trees everyday.
Oh well, ocean levels are rising, and there's another killer hurricane every couple of weeks or so. Don't worry, they'll get plenty of water.

Now if they could only develop a drone to string electric wires and plant power stations in Puerto Rico, that would impress me.
This is actually a pretty good idea. Drones being used for something that benefits us and the environment as opposed to being used as package delivery machines or noisy menaces. ;)
What could possibly be a better use of a drone, than aiding Jeff Bezos to line his pockets?
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This is just a proof of concept. If it proves successful then they'll convert the drones to plant landmines, which is much more profitable.

Instead of shooting seeds it will be converted to fire steel ball bearings. While planting seeds it can also hot swap ammo and mow down hostiles.
Now, we just need another drone that can water these 100,000 trees everyday.
They are mangroves, I believe the area is a swamp or very damp so it should be fine. But you're right, for any other type of tree or dry place this might not work.
Timing could help. Just do your seed drop after heavy rain when the soil contains enough moisture to at least get the plants started.
That did it, I'm going to have to go all pseudo intellectual on yo a**....

First of all, "capital Will" would be "Big Will", and "small will" , would be "small will", or "Willy" as he is known to his friends, and "intimate acquaintances". <(penultimate bad pun)..

Next, the idea that Will would, "fire back" runs contrary to several scientific disciplines, and social realities.

Since I'm "a great sport", I'll shoot down my own idea first. First, without proper shielding against the heat, astronaut poop would burn up in the atmosphere, leaving nothing "behind", <(horrific intended pun), but, "a hot fart in the stratosphere".

Next, in a structured social institution, poop always runs downhill. Thus "Will", would have to be the "apex predator" in such an environment, to even be allowed to open his mouth, let alone throw poop.

So what's left you ask? Why philosophy and religion, of course. Judeo-Christian mythology has always insisted that the loss of innocence was caused by Eve offering the apple to Adam, goaded on by "the serpent".

But what if that very pooping astronaut, visited a planet where the apes had not reached the state of awareness and reason? And what if, the Alpha ape, put it in his mouth, and immediately thought to himself, "ew, this tastes like sh!t".

Thus kidz, is my version of how the path to true civilization and enlightenment began, and how the saying, "you have sh!t for brains", was born.


@OldGuru Keep in mind, I only gave you a "mercy like" on that post, because it was of the best setups for a protracted and belabored punchline, I've ever received..(y)(y)(y)(y)
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