No discussion, post your clipboard content right now!


Posts: 4,190   +11
Let's see what you guys have in your clipboard ;)


  • Windows users : CTRL + V
  • Linux Users : middle mouse button click ( or click left & right mouse button at the same time if you do not have a wheel mouse )

Here's mine ->

ioctl(hdlVideoDevice, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &MyDeviceCapabilities)

What ? Why are you looking at me like that ? :confused:

Private Sub CheckData_Click()
'Date       :   09/02/2004
'Author     :   Bruce ******* ****
'Purpose    :   Checks values entered are valid Lookup values, depths are sequential and percentages are between 0 and 100
    Dim Session As Object
    Dim db As Object
    Dim doc As Object
    Dim view As Object
    Dim documentString As String
    Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    Set db = Session.CurrentDatabase
    Set view = db.GetView("Lookup")
    Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
    Set doc = view.GetDocumentByKey(Lookup1)
    Dim CheckColumn As Integer
    Dim c As Integer
    Dim CorrectValueFound As Boolean
    'Check all Lithology codes entered
    Call CheckLookup(Lookup1, "StrRetVal", "StrDispVal", 5, 205, 3, 2)
    'Check all Lithology names entered
    Call CheckLookup(Lookup1, "StrDispVal", "StrRetVal", 5, 205, 2, 3)
    'Check all Colour Names entered
    Call CheckLookup(Lookup2, "StrDispVal", "StrRetVal", 5, 205, 5, 0)
    'Check all Depths entered follow the rule : X2 > X1
    CheckColumn = 1
    For c = 6 To 205
        ValueOK = 0
        If Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn) = "" And ValueOK = 0 Then
            ValueOK = 1
        End If
        If IsNumeric(Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn)) And IsNumeric(Sheet1.Cells(c - 1, CheckColumn)) Then
            If CInt(Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn)) > CInt(Sheet1.Cells(c - 1, CheckColumn)) Then
                ValueOK = 1
            End If
        ElseIf Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn) <> "" Then
            ValueOK = 0
        End If

        If ValueOK = 0 Then
            Call IncorrectValue("An incorrect value has been entered, Depth must be greater than " + CStr(Sheet1.Cells(c - 1, CheckColumn)) + ", please re-enter", c, CheckColumn)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    'Check all percentages are between 0 and 100
    'Column for percentage hardcoded to 4
    CheckColumn = 4
    For c = 5 To 205
        ValueOK = 0
        If Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn) = "" And ValueOK = 0 Then
            ValueOK = 1
        End If
        If IsNumeric(Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn)) Then
            If CInt(Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn)) >= 0 Or CInt(Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn)) <= 100 Then
                ValueOK = 1
            End If
        ElseIf Sheet1.Cells(c, CheckColumn) <> "" Then
            ValueOK = 0
        End If

        If ValueOK = 0 Then
            Call IncorrectValue("An incorrect value has been entered, Percentage must be between 0 and 100, please re-enter", c, CheckColumn)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    'Check that all first 3 columns have been filled for all rows of data where any of the columns has a value
    For c = 5 To 205
        Set ws = Application.ActiveSheet
        WithData = 0
        FirstColumn = 1
        LastColumn = 8 'Number of columns to check
        For Each v In ws.Range(Cells(c, FirstColumn), Cells(c, LastColumn))
            'Check all mandatory fields for this row have been completed
            If v.Value <> "" Then
                WithData = WithData + 1
            End If
        Next v
        If WithData < LastColumn And WithData <> 0 Then
            If (ws.Cells(c, FirstColumn).Value = "" And ws.Cells(c, 2).Value = "") Or ((ws.Cells(c, FirstColumn).Value = "" Or ws.Cells(c, 2).Value = "") And WithData > 1) Then
                MsgBox "Please enter a value for Depths in Row " + CStr(c), vbOKOnly, "Fill in Mandatory cell value"
                Application.Goto Cells(c, FirstColumn)
                Cancel = True
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    'Check filled in values that should be numeric are numeric
    For c = 5 To 205
        Set ws = Application.ActiveSheet
        WithData = 0
        FirstColumn = 1
        LastColumn = 2 'Number of columns to check
        For Each v In ws.Range(Cells(c, FirstColumn), Cells(c, LastColumn))
            'Check all mandatory fields for this row have been completed
            If v.Value <> "" Then
                If Not (IsNumeric(v.Value)) Then
                    MsgBox "You must enter NUMERIC values for Depths in Row " + CStr(c), vbOKOnly, "Fill in Mandatory cell value"
                    Application.Goto Cells(c, FirstColumn)
                    Cancel = True
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If
        Next v
End Sub
You need to enable cookies in your web browser. To do so-

-Open Internet Explorer
-Select the <Tools> menu
-Select <Internet Options> in the drop-down list
-Click the <Privacy> tab in the box that opens
-Move the slider on the left of the box downward until the privacy setting say 'low'
-Click <Apply>
-Click <OK>

You should now be able to access the records. Remember that the privacy setting is local to each computer that you will use to access the records and must be set accordingly on each machine. You may also want to set the computer back up to the MEDIUM privacy setting when you are done with our site. Just follow the above directions and set to MEDIUM rather than LOW.

Please feel free to call me at 440-329-xxxx if you require any additional assistance.
Normally, sed substition works this like:

locate vnc | grep -i bin | sed 's/usr/derek/'

to change every instance of "usr" to "derek", however for directory paths we need to use another delimiter:

locate vnc | grep -i bin | sed 's!/usr/bin/!!' | xargs man

find all vnc commands and display all of their man pages, by first stripping away the full path from the binaries, so that its only their actual filename and not full path that's piped into xargs man.
<img src="" alt=""><br>Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?
<br><br><a href=""> <font size="-1">What Monty Python Character are you?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="">Quizilla</a></font>

Just be glad I didn't come across this a couple of hours earlier when I was compiling a little java compendium!
[root@trdev1 ]# vncserver -depth 24 -geometry 1152x864

New 'X' desktop is

Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /root/.vnc/

[root@trdev1 ]# ps -ef | grep -i xvnc
root 22242 1 2 10:54 pts/2 00:00:01 Xvnc :1 -desktop X -httpd
[root@trdev1 ]# vncserver -kill :1
Killing Xvnc process ID 22242
[root@trdev1 ]#
Table of Contents

Exchange 2000 Clusters

Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000 Version Requirements

Exchange Virtual Servers

IP Addresses and Network Names

Physical Disk


Quorum Disk Resource

Planning Exchange 2000 Clusters

Dedicating Computers to Exchange

Cluster Configurations

Exchange 2000 Clusters on Windows 2000 Advanced Server

Two-Node Cluster Topology

Exchange 2000 Clusters on Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

Exchange Virtual Server Limitations

Fault-Tolerant Storage


Upgrading Exchange 2000 Cluster Nodes to Exchange 2000 SP3

Upgrading Exchange 5.5 Cluster Nodes to Exchange 2000 SP3

Separate Storage Group Log Files

Storage Technology

Storage Group Limitations

Multiprocessor Support Limitations

Memory Limitations

Drive Letter Limitations Using Four-Node Clusters

An Example Exchange 2000 with SP3 Four-Node Cluster

Hardware, Settings, and Scenarios

Four-Node Cluster Illustration

Setting Up a Two-Node Exchange 2000 Server Cluster


Software Requirements

Shared Disk Requirements

Network Configuration Requirements

Preinstallation Information

Standard Installation

Step 1: Prepare Active Directory for Exchange 2000

Step 2: Install Exchange 2000 Server on Each Node

Step 3: Create the Exchange Virtual Servers

Setting Up a Four-Node Exchange 2000 Server Cluster

Cluster Settings

Understanding Exchange Virtual Server and Exchange Resource Settings

Exchange Virtual Server Configuration Settings

Exchange Resource Configuration Settings

Exchange Logging

Disabling Microsoft Exchange MTA Stack Service Monitoring

Specifying Exchange to Log SMTP to a Shared Disk in Your Cluster

Configuring a Clustered Back-End Server

Step 1: Create the HTTP Virtual Servers in Exchange System Manager

Step 2: Create Virtual Directories to Match the Directories Configured on the Front-End Server

Step 3: Add New HTTP Virtual Server Resources to the Exchange Virtual Server

Removing Exchange 2000 from a Cluster

Removing an Exchange Virtual Server from a Cluster

Task 1: Move All Mailboxes and Public Folder Content to Another Exchange Virtual Server

Task 2: Take System Attendant Resource Offline

Task 3: Delete Exchange System Attendant Resource

Task 4: Ensure the Exchange Virtual Server Object is Deleted from Active Directory

Task 5: Delete Remaining Cluster Resources

Removing Exchange 2000 Installation from a Cluster



Storing Exchange Data

SMTP Queue Directory

.edb and .stm Files

Transaction Log Files

Performance and Monitoring


Virtual Memory

/3GB Switch

Exchange 2000 Capacity and Topology Calculator

Sizing Active/Passive Clusters

Sizing Active/Active Clusters

Testing Server Capacity

Microsoft Exchange Load Simulator

Exchange Stress and Performance (ESP) Tool

Monitoring Performance

Exchange 2000 Server Cluster Failover Performance

Extensible Storage Engine Log Checkpoint Depth

Microsoft Exchange Information Store Service Connections

SMTP Queue Size

Evenly Distributing Threads across SMTP, IMAP4, and POP3

Tuning Exchange 2000 Server Clusters

SMTP Percentage of Threads and Additional Threads per Processor

Maximum Handle Threshold

Disaster Recovery

Identifying the Cause of a Failure

Backing Up Data on an Exchange 2000 Server Cluster Node

Recovering an Exchange 2000 Server Cluster

Sorry it's so asked...
Although this should be as simple as pasting your clipboard content, wouldn't it be better if we limit whatever it is in there to a few lines (easier to read and follow) and try not to post anything that will break table's width? Just asking for your opinion...
Originally posted by Julio
Although this should be as simple as pasting your clipboard content, wouldn't it be better if we limit whatever it is in there to a few lines (easier to read and follow) and try not to post anything that will break table's width? Just asking for your opinion...

I think your opinion is valid. That's my opinion.