only want video sound and network capabilities to play a game nothing else!

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ok.. so i got this new game World of Warcraft.. im sure lots of you have heard of it.. anyway, i want to shut off all the background BULLShKIT running in windows.. what exactly do i need on startup in msconfig just to play this game?
Ok so you go to msconfig and startup then you wanna shut off all the processes except for systray or system tray, since windows needs that to start up, and you should be good, Hope this helps.
Maximus said:
Ok so you go to msconfig and startup then you wanna shut off all the processes except for systray or system tray, since windows needs that to start up, and you should be good, Hope this helps.

this work only in win 98 , me,xp will not work in win 2000

if have win 2000 then go to the adminstrater tools servises and stop the stuff u dont wnana load.
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