Poscounts are back ...

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Yeah I guess people complained or something. I personally didn't mind that they were gone, I don't look at them, I didn't even know I hit 1500 until someone pointed it out to me.
I really don't care that much about postcounts but when taking advice, a higher postcount can suggests being around for a while or they have a little more experience (as time/posts) show.

In this case, this isn't always true but it just gives a good idea of how long that person was arround..... I don't think someone gets 1500 in one day. :)
Like I pointed out before closing the original "post count" thread, I decided that the post counts are valuable enough to have them up however the real deal will come once I roll out the new TS Forums ranking system, then you will see how counts lose importance.
well we are not discuss that again fro the beginning, but being around has nothing to do with post count ;)

i've been around for one year now and i havent' even posted once a day because when i have nothing to say i just stfu :p
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