PQI usb flash Smart Genie 512MB NTFS format problem

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Sorry for my bad english...

Recently I bought this PQI FLASH storage device. And now, I have a problem with that piece of hw. When I wish to format volume in NTFS windows respond with a message: Windows was unable to complete format. !
Formatting in FAT, and FAT32 works fine, but copynig from my HD to Flash is very slow! NTFS does not work! What can I do to solve this problem?

Cose, thats worked. And cose i have much greater speed of copying on it from my HD. It was startting from 8mb. When is FAT32 speed is only about 600kbps :(
i will check...

But..i am not sure that it will solve my problem.

I hope that i did not kill my Flash??

I can still format it in FAT and FAT32.
You can always open a command prompt & type :
convert <insert_usb_drive_letter>: /fs:ntfs
When I trying to format Flash from cmd line, with /FS:NTFS parametar, of course, it respond me with Formtat failed.
Once, win responded me with message that it can not format because 1st NTFS boot sector was unwritable!

So, what do you think, is it physically demaged?
Yes, i ve tried to convert but it failed.
But, last night, i ve sheduled CHKDSK, and after windows rebooting, this command starts to execute. After finishing with my C: partition without errors, CHKDSK starts to check my USB flash (L:) and freeze?! Only thind that i could do is reseting. And then, my flash was in NTFS with some .log file on it, and works?! Here in my office works too. Later i will try to format in NTFS.
Strange, strange....
Windows was unable to complet the fotmat ! AGIN
YEs, flash was in NTFS, but when I came home, data on it were listed, but i could not copy them on my HD.
But, i could copy from my PC on flash, and back again, but data i ve brought home were unreadable.
How can i check is there any HW fault?
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