Toshiba SDR5372 causes computer lockup

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I have a win2k system with a CD burner, and a DVD-Reader. When I remove the CD-burner, and install my new Toshiba sdr-5372 DVD Burner, my computer completely lockups and and won't boot.

The original CD Burner was set as Master, and so is the new DVD burner. My DVD-Reader is set as slave. I am using the same power connection to the DVD Burner, that I used on the CD, so it is getting power, also, the green light comes in during startup, so I do not think it is the power cable.

I removed the DVD Burner from the system, and replaced the CD burner, and everything works perfectly fine. Any ideas/suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
may i ask what computer exactly are you referring to here? i'd test that troublesome dvd burner in another computer, btw.
I swung by my local retailer and exchanged the burner for a new one, and VIOLA! everything is up and running.

Thanks for your interest, Zephead! Next time I'll try to come up with something interesting enough to require 3 or 4 replies!
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