virii headsup

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Posts: 330   +1
If you see any of the following:

"USA Just Have Started World War III"
"Missle Strike: The USA kills more then 20000 Iranian citizens"
"Israel Just Have Started World War III"
"USA Missile Strike: Iran War just have started"

accompanied by:

“News.exe” , “Movie.exe” , “Read_Me.exe” , “Click_Me.exe” , “Video.exe” , “Read_More.exe”

Save yourself some trouble by not clicking on the exe.
Well... I think we are pretty smart people, Since when is a readme file saved as a .exe or a movie file saved as .exe? :haha:

Thanks for the heads up though :)
Did you ??

TimeParadoX said:
Well... I think we are pretty smart people, Since when is a readme file saved as a .exe or a movie file saved as .exe? :haha:

Thanks for the heads up though :)

Not all it seems are though TPX, i have come across many people in my time who no matter how many times you tell them still think its safe to open files from friends.
I agree c600, everyone is too trusting... I bet I could send all my MSN contacts .exes and they'll probably think "Ah duhh... -drolls- it's just a new MP3 extension" :haha:
Saw the "misle strike, Iranians dead" tag (great English by the way) and decided it was politicaly or religiously motivated, so I did some googling and found others had seen the same. No, I didn't click on it. I kinda track political or religious malware attacks as a hobby, so I am fairly carefull as to what I click on.
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