Funny news read

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In an article found at farmers are being asked to pay $4.9 mil USD a year to help reduce greenhouse effects caused by flatulence of their millions of sheep and cattle.

That is hilarious. I can't believe they are imposing a fart tax on their cattle.
They should leave the poor farmers alone and go after the real culprit. TACO BELL and all those burrito's they sell!

LOL, concur immensly. I just hope they don't impose this tax on humans, although the article did state that it would be good since everyone would benifit from the lower methane levels.
Why not add extra tax to baked beans?
Vegetarians should pay more tax also.
Actually, the real problem is the cows. Cows produce an unusually great ammount of methane, as I've read in the Los Angeles Times on this very long in-depth article. There's nearly as much methane as carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere and both are greenhouse gases, a bad thing.

They should just lock up the cows in a air-tight dome and let them kill themselves!
Well then how would we get our meat? I certainly wouldn't want to eat meat from a cow that has been baked in methane.
i saw in discovery channel that there is a shot that can reduce the methane produced by cows, by killing the germs in cows stomach that produce the methane.
Well then how would we get our meat? I certainly wouldn't want to eat meat from a cow that has been baked in methane.

EXACTLY!!! Originally humans were herbivores on this planet. However, we've developed a taste for meat and now we mass produce cows.

Meat is not necessarily a necessity in most people's diets. The appendix (yeah that vestigle organ, vestigle because we eat meat) was used to convert plant products into amino acids we could use, or sort of nutrients in replacement of meat.

However, there arises a problem. More and more people are being born with very small apendixes or none at all. These findings were found when people die, they de-gut them and they keep finding no appendixes but these people never went through surgery in their life!

However, with no meat, I'll go damn crazy!
I think the theory that humans were herbivores is complete crap. We've been omnivorous since day one and I tend to think we probably were more to being carnivorous early on and have come to a more omnivorous diet because of technology (farming, mass production of food, etc).

Like Ted Nugent says... "I love vegetarians! That's all I eat. Cows, chickens, deer, etc...."
No offence to either of you but think about what you are saying.

How do you know who was herbivores or carnivores? Did you live back during "day one"? This is the exact kind of "deep thought" that I do not like. People assuming things because of their opinions that they have no idea about.

These are only assumptions. Don't say "oh THIS is how it WAS, I *know* it!". Sure there are some "proof" to these theories, but you can "proove" both theories just as well scientifically, by physical evidence, etc. We also have no real proof of when man's days began. So even if we look into the stomach of a 10,000 year old ice age man and see meat, that doesnt mean man ate meat from the beginning or vice versa.

Just like my mom talking about how "we did not evolve, the missing link theory is crap" just because she is a Christian. Well so am I but I am also open to that theory, because I do not know God exists nor do I know that we evolved from an ape. Either theory is just as much possible. There are physical ways to proove both theorys.

Just a little thought. Be more open minded. Don't let your opinions cloud your mind.
Yeah, but doesn't that message establish that "You're an *****, because you don't think like me?"

That was just as hypocritical as any of the messages above.

I expressed my opinion, right or wrong. If you don't agree with that it's ok, but don't say I'm wrong for expressing my opinion.
I didnt say you were wrong for expressing your opinion. I said you were wrong for claiming your opinion is right. Two different things. And not that there is anything wrong with claiming your opinion is right, because many times it is. Though when you can't have any possible idea about something I dont understand why people think they can know anything about something that happened thousands to billions of years ago.

Most of you kids are probably too young to remember the game that that dude is from.
It doesn't matter. Since you all don't believe in evolution the very theory is simple. Look at our teeth, then look at dog teeth or any other carnivorous animal. What can you see? What don't you see? What's the difference?

Now, come again about being carnivorous from day 1?
I didnt say I dont believe in Evolution. I believe it just as much as I belive in Christianity. They both have their proofs, Evolution is based more on fact than Christianity but Christiniaty is based on faith.

What are you trying to say Xtr-X?
Well, you said that there's no way to prove how we were from day one, thus the theory is simple.

If you don't believe in evolution (you didn't say that, this is generally for everyone), then look at a dog teeth. Then look at ours.
No, lol. I have a dog, she fetches, etc. I've seen inside her mouth, she's got no flat molars. She's got sharp molars for ripping apart meat, probably nature's help to carnivores.

If evolution is in fact true, then we can see humans developing sharper teeth over time.
Originally posted by XtR-X
If evolution is in fact true, then we can see humans developing sharper teeth over time.
I think its the opposite, humans have those sharp pointy teeth on either side of our 2 front teeth. I think maybe you'd see a gradual flattening over evolution rather than a sharpening. Actually if we are talking evolution our teeth shouldn't be really changing much anymore, that was all taken care of during the ape phase.
While were on the subject, my dad told me that humans developed Wisdom teeth to better chew meat.
But why are they such a pain now? What was it like for early humans?

It doesn't make sense. That's why I don't like the idea of evolution.
I dissagree with your dad. Dog teeth are made for that, for the simple reason of ripping apart meat, not chewing it. See, we really have to chew our meat, or we choke, that's why IMO we were destined to be herbivores. You can say that they benefit us but think about, we have forks and knives, do dogs use forks and knives? No, but that'd be hella funny.
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