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Samurize 1.64.3

Popular advanced system monitoring and desktop enhancement engine for Windows. Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about Samurize

Alternatively you can download the latest beta version of this software.

IT professionals, overclockers, gamers and desktop modders alike use Samurize for system information, weather reports, news headlines and more.

Samurize's feature set includes:

* an unrivalled set of built-in meters (Disk utilization, CPU usage, network traffic, system temperatures...)
* ultimate customizing and skinning possibilities with no programming knowledge required
* monitoring your own computer or others over a network
* tiny memory footprint and CPU usage
* the first system monitoring tool with a true WYSIWYG editor
* full extensibility via scripts and plugins with a powerful plugin SDK/API
* minimal software requirements (no .NET or Service Packs necessary)
* multimonitor support
* many usage options (desktop, taskbar and clock clients, server outputting to XML or image formats, screensaver)

What's New:


* Logging can be enabled for the clients and config editors
* Vista Support
* ToolTips can now be used with mouse buttons (single and double click)
* Updated DTD for all the new xml sections in every meter type
* Additional input method using Scripts
* Console Meters can now run constantly running console programs and get the output
* Updated the Copy meter logic so the new meter names are not so long
* Instance Manager supports groups
* Instance Manager maintains the Z-Order of instances when loaded (if pin to desktop, dock or normal window behaviour is used)
* Improved the catching of Show Desktop for pin to Desktop and pin to Desktop compat modes
* Improved the Perfmon gathering of data to reduce the number of queries
* Added rename to the instance manager for groups and instances
* Meter maths will return a NOT FOUND on string maths if the meter is not available
* IMAP4 support for the mail meter
* Total Net Collector changes unit dynamically Read more.

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