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Spyware Eliminator 2.04

Quickly find and eliminate all traces of spyware and adware. Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

While you download, you should know...

  • Spyware Eliminator is available for multiple platforms (Windows (98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003)).
  • Spyware Eliminator has been downloaded 1,985 times so far.
  • All files are on their original form. No installers or bundles are allowed.
  • Thank you for choosing TechSpot as your download destination.

More about Spyware Eliminator

Protect your privacy, data and confidential information with Spyware Eliminator.

Quickly find and eliminate all traces of harmful programs: spyware, adware, data-mining scum-ware, key-loggers, trojans,
premium number dialers, browser hijackers, surveillance programs, tracking cookies, worms, malware, P2P, nukers, browser "helper" objects, unwanted browser toolbars and downloaders. Read more.

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