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SMS Create Pro 5.7.1

SMS Create Pro is a tool for sending text messages from a PC to mobile phones... Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about SMS Create Pro

Send text messages to mobile phones from your PC with SMS Create Pro using E-mail service. Discover the new way of sending text messages to mobile phones using E-mail service with this multi-featured tool. You will find this tool very useful when you have to send text messages to multiple mobiles or a group of mobile phones. You can edit mobile operators list and can create your own phone book, the list of mobile operators which already exists will be updated permanently. This application has one more additional feature; a new message received is notified by a pop-up message on the PC and even notifying the mobile phone number about the received message. You could add emotional smiles to your text message from the number of different smiles already present in the application and there is also the possibility of running the E-mail client. Now enjoy sending SMS from your PC. This very simple to use tool will surely prove to be very useful specially when you have to send multiple text messages to a group of mobile phone users. In database more than 130 gateway!!!Were added smiles and possibility of the run the Email client. Read more.

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