This week, Nvidia has announced the addition of a new GPU to their lineup of notebook chips. The new GeForce 8700M GT adds on to the already impressive 8M series of chips, designed to give high performance in mobile platforms. It'll have the same support the other G8x based mobile units have such as DX10, and will start showing up in notebooks from many vendors:

The GeForce 8700M GT GPU will be available in notebooks from leading partners in North America, Europe, and Asia, including Toshiba, Sager, Prostar, Eurocom, Biohazard, Connoiseur, Cybersystem, Hypersonic, MALIBAL, Multirama, rock, Evesham, Falcon Northwest, Plaisio, XS2, Nexoc, Hyrican, Vigor Gaming, Voodoo PC, and many others.
Specific availability dates are not mentioned, though Toshiba already is announced that their higher end Satellites will feature these GPUs. You can read the full press release at Nvidia's site.