Another tour in the sandbox


Posts: 5,746   +14
well folks, looks like I'm off to Iraq again.... as you probably have noticed, I haven't been around much... I've been really busy getting ready for deployment. However, I miss all of you and you should still hear from me once I get back to the litter box. I'll keep in touch. Usually once I am in theater, I get a little more time to post.
take care!
As I am new here, I didn’t have the opportunity to come across you. But as you are an Evangelist, you deserve best wishes from this cat…

A Reversal of Fortune.......

"Did I ever tell you you're one fart smeller? ... I mean smart feller?"
When I was a boy my father worked as a service tech for an RCA distributer. One of their dealers names was, "Mort Farr". I betcha can't guess what they called him, so I'll go ahead and tell you, "Fart More". LOL

OK, so you could have guessed, I realize that now. Stay safe..